Betta Fish Spotlight: Pebble

We bought Pebble on April 8th, 2018, about an hour after his predecessor Percy passed away. He was--is--one of my dream bettas; I have always loved the look of half-moon dumbo-eared bettas. We spent $21.00 on him--the most we've ever spent on a betta fish.

Shortly after we bought him, we noticed he was losing small chunks of his fins. Thinking it was fin rot, we treated it accordingly, but he didn't get better. In fact, he was only getting worse. Soon, we realized it wasn't fin rot, but fin nipping. He was completely ruining his own beautiful fins!

As it turns out, half-moons like Pebble are pretty prone to such behavior, and while it took some experimentation, we eventually figured out that the white light I had on his tank was causing him stress, so I changed it to its blue setting, and he has calmed down. Earlier this week I noticed lots of new fin growth! He's well on his way to his natural glory again!!


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