10 Misconceptions About Bettas

In all actuality, betta fish need at least 2.5 gallons of water with a filter and heater. While they are hardy fish and can live in small bowls, etc, they will not prosper or be happy.
9. They don't need a heater or filter.
False. They do, in fact, need a heater to keep them at 75-80 degrees F., and a filter to keep their tank cleaner, longer.
8. They have to live alone.
With the right temperament and species, bettas can live peacefully in community tanks.
7. Betta fish "Do nothing."
If they're in the right environment, bettas are funny, adorable, and incredibly active.
6. They can live in the store cups.
Please don't keep them in those cups. They even say right on them, "This is not a permanent environment for your fish" or something to that effect. One woman on Facebook had recently had a relative who believed this, and she struggled to convince them otherwise.
5.They are easy fish.
They, like any animal, take time and effort that requires care and consideration.
4. If they can live with other fish, why not goldfish? Or each other?
Only females in properly set up sororities can live together, and since goldfish are cold water fish and brightly colored like bettas, not only would a betta see it as a threat, but the goldfish would soon die of the heat.
3. Bettas eat plant roots.
As insectivores (creatures that eat bugs) , bettas need the pellets made for them or frozen insects.
2. Feed your betta as much as they can eat in 3 minutes.
This can cause bloat and swimbladder disease.
1. They live in mud puddles in China.
They don't live in China, they live Thailand and Southeastern Asia, in large ponds and huge rice paddies. Their territories in the wild are miles long, and
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